Steps on how to create a video page and embed on your website

In this guide, we’ll learn how to create VidPowr video pages

What are video pages? 

These are like a collection of your videos in categories form

1. To get started click on the “pages tab” 

2. Then you click on “New page” on the top right of your screen

1. Give it a title: We can title it “make money videos”

2. Next, give it a description

3. Enter your unique URL slag: So it will be

4. You can upload your logo if you have one

5. You can enable or disable to show view counts or the published date of the videos

6. If you wish to apply a password to protect your video you can do that also

7. And click to create your page

Next, I’ll click to open the page box 

We can start adding videos here or add from our video lists 

Select the video(s) you want to add to the page and click to confirm 

1. We can view the page here

2. And if we want to embed the page on our website we can access that from the “page settings”

Noticed the change in the URL link? This is because we added our custom domain. Where you don’t have yours, you can use VidPowrs’ 

To embed your page on your website, click on

1. Page Settings

2. Locate your embed code

That is how easy it is to create a VidPowr video category page, generate page links, and embed codes.